Prototyping For New Generation


InkPat primarily provides Patent Illustration and 3D modeling or rendering services.

A patent application usually contains drawings that help in illustrating or elucidating the embodiments of an invention. The illustration may simplify even the most complex patent drawings via exploded views that can illustrate even the minutest details of the machinery. This enables detailed, sequential and complete description of a machinery or product. At Patentwire, we not only provide patent drawings but also help in projecting a good idea in a great way.

Patent drawing is different from engineering drawings as there are many legal requirements that need to be fulfilled in different jurisdictions. Our team has vast experience in patent illustrations; therefore we nullify objections pertaining to drawings and hence decrease the time and costs of prosecution.

Further, when it comes to commercializing an invention then such drawings seldom capture the imagination of a licensee. A 3D modeling or renderings and photo realistic virtual prototypes serve different purpose, mainly to project the exact view of the product when fully developed, for the prospective buyer or licensee until the real product is manufactured.